Establish Your Business the Right Way

Fill out your business license application today

Are you ready to go into business as a mechanic or contractor? Would you like to open your own boutique? The City of Sweet Springs welcomes all enterprising new business owners to apply for their licenses. Our straightforward application process begins with a basic form that can be filled out online or in person. Then, a staff member will let you know what next steps you need to take, including the amount for your application fee.

Call 660-335-4564 today for more information on business licenses.

Know more about the application process

If you're interested in obtaining a business license, find out more about our process below. When applying for a business license:

  • You can fill out the form online or in person
  • You can expect to hear back in five to seven business days
  • You'll need to pay a fee that varies depending on the type of business
Would you like more information about fees or the payment process? Speak to one of our staff members today.